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Diamond IT eNews - February 2021
Free Microsoft Grants - eNews

Not For Profit | Microsoft Provides Free Licences

These licence grants, including Microsoft 365, Dynamics 365 and Power Apps, provide support for organisations looking to automate and transform processes and to use technology to reach company goals.

Microsoft Viva - eNews

New | Microsoft Employee Experience Platform, Viva

The new employee experience platform, Viva, brings together communications, knowledge, learning, resources, and insights into an integrated employee experience that builds on Microsoft Teams.

Data Analytics User Case - eNews

User Case | Real Business Impacts of Data Analytics

This practical example of BI demonstrates how a simple manipulation of data can result in an enormous increase in efficiency for managers and business owners, prompting them to really start to think about how they are spending their time.

Next generation threat detection - eNews

Security | Why You Need Next Generation Threat Detection

The last few years have seen some of the largest cyber security attacks in history. What modern security solutions does your organisation have in place to protect your operations, employees, and keep your data safe from cyber threats?

That's it for this month. Remember, if you need 
help in implementing any of this month's tips,
contact us -- we're here to help.

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